Vacation is right around the corner and you’re trying to drop a few pounds quick, and I bet cutting carbs is the first solution you came up with. Well, think again! Carbohydrates are actually important to our health; you just have to choose the right ones. Carbs are a macronutrient that can be found in foods and beverages, but most of the time they are naturally found in plant-based foods like grains. Although, food manufacturers sometime add carbs into their products in the form or starches or added sugars (Yikes). Common sources of naturally forming carbs are found in foods like blueberries, potatoes, milk, peanuts, rice and beans. These are all examples of whole foods, which are good forms of carbs. You can find the number of carbs in packaged foods on the Nutrition Facts label that is typically on the back or side of the packaging. The Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend that carbs make up 45 to 65 percent of your daily caloric intake. For example, if you consume 2,000 calories a day, somewhere between 900 and 1,300 calories should come from carbs. Carbohydrates provide energy, protect against diseases, and even assist in controlling weight (now that is impressive). So next time you think about cutting carbs from your diet, remember that your body needs them!