You know what makes almost everything taste amazing? Fats! While they may make food taste amazing, some fats aren’t so great. That’s why at Mason Dixie, we keep it real, and we only use real butter!Many people, especially those that follow vegan diets, use plant-based fat alternatives like margarine. While margarine may taste like butter, it definitely is not butter. Margarines tend to have nearly three times the amount of trans fats found in butter, and an excess of trans fats can lead to adverse health effects, but excessive trans fats is not the only problem caused by the margarine industry. As fat alternatives have become more popular, the demand for palm oil has skyrocketed. To keep up with demand rainforests are being cleared to make room for more palm plantations, and in return, disrupting wildlife.We know what you’re thinking; “I thought butter was bad for you?”. When consumed in moderation, butter can be a healthy part of your diet. Butter is a real fat that is high in calcium and has compounds in it that have been associated with lowering the risk of obesity. Butter also has other health benefits like lowering your chances of cancer, helping eyesight, strengthening your bones, and healthier skin.