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The Best Way To Clean Filthy Baking Sheets

The Best Way To Clean Filthy Baking Sheets

We all have that one baking sheet that we love to use for everything, and even though they look a little loved, they do the job perfectly every time. There are a lot of ways out there to make them look better but here’s our absolute favorite. 

What you’ll need: 

  • White Vinegar 
  • Baking Soda 
  • Sponge (Scrub Daddy is a great option) 

This is an excellent option for those that prefer natural methods of cleaning. All you need is your baking sheet, baking soda and white vinegar.  

Fill your kitchen sink with hot water, and then add 1 Cup of Baking Soda and 1 Cup of White Vinegar. Then add your baking sheet to the mixture and leave it for 45-65 minutes to break up the guck and grime on your pan. If your pan is too large to fit in your sink, you can also make this mixture in the baking sheet itself, and leave it to sit on your counter. Once your baking sheet has soaked long enough, you’ll want to grab a sponge with a slightly abrasive side to lightly scrub away the mess. Then wash the baking sheet as you normally would and hand dry to reveal your (sorta) brand new baking sheet!  

(If cleaning a nonstick baking sheet, skip the scrubbing and add a little extra baking soda) 

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